Learn 8 different swimming strokes and styles

by Catalin Andries on September 24, 2019

Like with any other skill you want to learn, you have to be really interested in what you’re doing in order to get a good grasp of the techniques. If you’re not that into it, then learning the new skills required will just be a difficult and tiresome chore. In this Ninja Shark article, we’ll teach you some different strokes and styles that you can start practicing to diversify your swimmingskill set! So let’s get into it!

1. Freestyle or front crawl

The other name for freestyle swimming is the front crawl, and this is probably what most people imagine when they think of swimming. It’s called the freestyle because most swimmers choose to use front crawl in freestyle events because it’s the fastest way to swim.

To do freestyle, start by floating on your stomach and then propel yourself forward by using alternating arm movements in a clockwise windmill motion. Start by pushing your hands underwater and bringing them back up around you.

At the same time, kick your legs up and down in alternating movements while keeping your feet slightly pointed. As you move your right arm, look to the right, and vice versa with the left. Be sure to breathe in time with each stroke.

2. Backstroke

For backstroke you use similar movements to freestyle, but while laying on your back. This stroke is often recommended by doctors for patients with back issues as it’s a great way to exercise your back without putting any strain on it.

To do the backstroke, start by floating on your back and then alternating your arms in large circular motions to move your body backwards. Just like freestyle, you want your arms to first push into the water and then be brought back to the surface from behind you. Keep your legs engaged in a flutter kick like in freestyle, and your face above the surface of the water as you breathe.

3. Breaststroke

Breaststroke is the slowest swimming stroke, but one that is most commonly taught to beginners as it doesn’t require you to put your head underwater.

To do breaststroke, start by floating on your stomach while facing down. Let your arms move at the same time underneath the water’s surface in a half circle movement. At the same time, you want your legs to perform what’s called a ‘whip kick’.

A whip kick is kind of like the way a frog moves their legs. Start by having your legs extended straight behind you, then bring them close to your body by bending at both your knees and your hips. Move your legs out to the side, and then stretch them back out behind you.

4. Butterfly

Once you’ve mastered the first few strokes, you can attempt butterfly. This is an advanced swimming stroke, but boy does it give your body a great workout! You probably know butterfly as it’s a favourite of Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps. We won’t lie, butterfly is hard to learn and will tire your body out, so make sure you’ve developed enough muscular strength before you attempt this one.

To do the butterfly, you’ll want to start by floating face down on your stomach with your arms by your side. Bring your arms over your head at the same time, and then push them into the water to propel you forwards. Rinse and repeat! Essentially, your arms are serving as wings that move your body ahead in the water. While you move your arms, you want to also keep your head and shoulders above the surface of the water. Yes, difficult!

While you do butterfly stroke, you want your legs to be performing a ‘dolphin kick’. This involves keeping your legs together and extended straight, just like a dolphin’s tail.

5. Sidestroke

This is a lesser known stroke that’s not used as often as other swimming styles, but used a lot by lifeguards while rescuing someone. It’s a good stroke to learn for safety reasons as it lets you easily pull someone or something along with you as you’re swimming.

To do sidestroke, you will swim on your side, propelling your body forwards with a scissor kick and alternating arm movements. Sidestroke isn’t as difficult to learn as some of the other swimming styles out there, and can be a fun one to practice when you’re looking to change up your routine and try something different! Why wait until you actually have to pull something along to give it a go?

6. Elementary backstroke

This is just like the backstroke, but some consider it even easier (hence the name ‘elementary’). To do this movement, you’ll use a reverse form of the breaststroke kick while moving your arms simultaneously underwater. This is another swimming style that’s quite easy to learn and is often taught to new swimmers for that reason.

7. Combat sidestroke

If you want to swim like a Navy SEAL, this is how to do it! Combat sidestroke is learned by all US Navy SEALs and is super efficient while also helping you conserve your energy (useful when going long distances). The combat sidestroke is basically a mix of breaststroke, freestyle, and sidestroke, and makes you less visible in the water.

Want to learn how to swim combat sidestroke? Who are we kidding, we may be Ninjas but we’re not that pro! To get the full details – and we’ll be honest, they are complicated details – read up on combat sidestroke here.

8. Trudgen

Another stroke that evolved from the old sidestroke, this swimming style is named after famed English swimmer John Trudgen. To do this stroke you’ll be swimming on your side, lifting each arm alternately as they go out of the water and up over your head. Again, you’ll want to keep your legs engaged in a scissor kick for this stroke, but only kick with every second stroke. While you have your left arm over your head, spread your legs apart, and as your arm comes down, straighten your legs and snap them together. 

The easiest way to learn how to swim is with a snorkel mask

When you’re trying to learn the proper movements and physical techniques for swimming, focusing on your breath can be a distraction that gets in the way.
That’s why snorkels are the best tool you can have to help you work on your swimming strokes.

Here’s why learning to swim with a snorkel mask is the easiest and best method:

  • Wearing a snorkel lets you keep your head still so you don’t have to worry about how and when to breathe,
  • With your head straight, you’ll have less stroke imperfections that are usually caused by your head moving around a lot. This will help you swim straighter and perfect your alignment,
  • With a snorkel mask on you can keep your back and spine completely straight and avoid putting strain on your neck or lower back,
  • It also keeps your hips higher in the water so that there’s less resistance, making swimming easier to master,
  • Focusing on your body roll is easier when wearing a snorkel mask, giving you faster, stronger, and more powerful strokes,
  • You can also watch your hands as they move underwater, helping you generate more power, speed, and minimise the risk of injury.

And once you’ve mastered the strokes and can do them like second nature, then you can worry about how and when to breathe.

What kind of snorkel should I use when learning how to swim?

The best snorkel to use when learning to swim is a full-face snorkel mask that lets you breathe naturally, the same as you would above the water.


1. What are the 8 different strokes in swimming?

Freestyle or front crawl





Elementary backstroke

Combat sidestroke


2. What is the easiest method to learn how to swim?

When you’re trying to learn the proper movements and physical techniques for swimming, focusing on your breath can be a distraction that gets in the way. That’s why snorkels are the best tool you can have to help you work on your swimming strokes.

Wearing a snorkel lets you keep your head still so you don’t have to worry about how and when to breathe. With your head straight, you’ll have less stroke imperfections that are usually caused by your head moving around a lot. This will help you swim straighter and perfect your alignment.

How many people dream of snorkelling but don't feel comfortable wearing a snorkel mask?

The Influencer @lud.around is a NINJASHARK lover!

NINJASHARK is the sound of a revolution in snorkeling. Whereas other water equipments companies are constantly adding poor quality products, we listen to your feedback and constantly improve our products to fit for all of your needs.

"I'm not leaving my room without the mask. The full face snorkeling mask from Australia is comfortable and fit me perfectly! Love how easy it is to breath out your nose and mouth when you snorkeling and even has earplugs!"

“The mask include GOPRO mounts, so you can easily film and photograph underwater scenery! I highly recommend especially to people who have a fear of snorkeling! This mask is really easy to use and is safe!” said @lud.around. “I can’t wait for my next trip with my new mask!”

The Ninja Shark full face snorkel masks makes your experiences the best they can be. They are exclusively sold on the Ninja Shark website.

The Ninja Shark full face snorkel masks comes equipped with advanced Anti-Fog technology, automatic drainage, no CO2 Buildup with improved uni-directional valves, and a revolutionary breathe flow system so you can breathe through both your nose and mouth.

“If you thought we’re just here to sell you products, think again. You’re part of the Ninja Shark family, and your feedback matters! We’re constantly working to improve our products and deliver the full face snorkel mask that exists only in our dreams!”

What customers are saying about us…

“Awesome set.

Loved the complete set. I even used the waterproof phone pouch to take photos and videos underwater. It made my Fiji experience so much better than using the free snorkel set that hurt your face after 2hours and leaving a sun/mask mark. The ninja leaves no marks and gives great vision under water in comparison. It did take some getting used to but it definitely paid off! Only frustration is that the tightening straps are quite basic; they should be much simpler to loosen and tighten both in and out of water.” – Jock

Try our line of snorkelling and swimming gear
by Ninja Shark! You’ll love it.

All Ninja Shark Products are tailor-made
with medical silicone.

We care about making our products safe and healthy for you—and our planet.
That’s why the Ninja Shark Full Face Snorkelling Masks are made from a non-toxic and environmentally friendly anti-allergic medical grade silicone, that’s not only safer for your kids but safer for you too.

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Based on 1535 reviews
Prescription Lens for full face snorkel

Recently we went on a cruise to the South Pacific with lots of opportunities to snorkel. I was asked so many times "are they prescription lenses in there" & "where did you get them from".

The lenses were awesome, I was able to see and enjoy the snorkelling. Others tried mine and were amazed how good they were. As they were suctioned to the mask it made sure the mask was in the correct position on you face (not too high/low). Initially my lenses were a little tight to put together but they went in alright in the end :)

It was easy to find out what level (prescription/strength) was needed, I just went to my optometrist with the options and they told me which ones I needed.

Lifetime Warranty
Diane K. (Melbourne, AU)
The Ninja Shark Snorkel mask is awesome!

We bought these snorkel masks as we were going on a tropical holiday which included snorkelling tours and we both hated breathing through traditional plastic snorkels shoved in our mouths. My partner in particular did not want to snorkel because of this. These snorkel masks are FANTASTIC and were GAME CHANGERS. We did several lots of snorkelling on our holiday and every time, we were able to lie in the water, breathe normally and focus on looking underwater without worrying about breathing. Even if you dive underwater with these masks, the valve blocks water from coming into your snorkel mask. I bought the premium Equaliser Pro with the ability to pinch your nose if diving and my partner bought the basic model. Both are fantastic products - comfortable, easy to wear and highly recommended. You need to fit it tightly but it's really comfortable in the water and doesn't leak. Even when you come up you don't need to take it off, just keep breathing normally. I loved snorkelling with this product and even my anti-snorkelling partner really enjoyed it and felt this mask was a game changer.

Lifetime Warranty
Tom P. (Melbourne, AU)

Great product and even better customer service

Package : Air Adults (Mask + Fins + Bag)
JEANNIE O. (Piara Waters, AU)
Bloody love this!

Never snorkelled in my life. Petrified of putting my head under water. But now my neck is bad - if I don't alter the way I swim - then no more swimming for me. This has opened 'a whole new world' - (haha -that songs stuck in your head now) - to me. I'm just using my ninja gear in my gym outdoor pool atm. My legs are getting so strong - and my lungs too - as I'm doing some great breathing. I have huge surgery coming up soon - and i believe this is allowing me to get to a great level of fitness - in preparation. Honestly - i can't go on enough about this product enough. My friend bought a cheaper version. She's given it away already... say no more 🤿🤿🤿

Electra - Full Face Snorkel Mask
Bolang C. (Perth, AU)
Great design

This is the best snorkel mask I’ve ever had. Very comfortable on face, easy to breathe. I am not a good swimmer, it makes me feel safe and enjoy snorkelling without distraction. Thank you ninjiashark.

Best snorkel ever!!

Got one of these for me and my 7 year old daughter for Xmas. We’ve used them twice already and love them!! So much easier to breathe, can see so much and just makes the whole snorkelling experience better! Would highly recommend!

Clear as day

Clear to see and easy to breathe,
Whole family loves the NinjaShark Snorkel mask.

Lifetime Warranty
Robyn H. (Adelaide, AU)

The best snorkel and mask combination. No going back now! I could snorkel for over an hour easily. So glad I made this purchase

(DRAFT) Package: Dry Snorkel (Set + Fins + Bag)
Maureen R. (Townsville, AU)

While travelling in Timor leste l met a fellow snorkeller. We snorkelled for 10 days together the food was shit but the water was stunning. The friend was using Ninja Shark fins and mask mine were steaming up, letting in water and heavy. On arriving back in Australia l ordered straight away.
I was a little bit anxious on receiving my order as the mask was quite different to my old one and the fins were short and adjustable ( l wanted them to be my size ! ) well to my luck the weather was beautiful ( yes mid winter in Mackay ) and perfect for boating so off we scooted to Cockermouth ( don't laugh it's a real place ) jumping in and WOW I'm now a mermaid 🧜‍♀️ the mask and fins felt like part of me. I actually cried as not only was the equipment allowing me to explore as l wanted but the reef was STUNNING. So lm indepted to Ninja Shark for making me the mermaid l always aspired to be 🧜‍♀️

Took it to Tahiti

I wasn’t quite sure about getting a full face mask but bought mine (Electra package) before a trip to Tahiti which we got home from yesterday - absolutely LOVED it!!! I’ll be getting one for my wife before our next trip to a similar destination. BTW I make LOTS of crazy videos with lots of toys.

Judge.me YouTube video placeholder
Life changing

I do love my full face snorkel.. the freedom of nose breathing under the water.. the meditative and relaxative effect of this snorkeling is unexpected and great. Fits so well.. comfy to wear for long time.. highly recommend

(DRAFT) Diving Dry Snorkel Set with GoPro mount
Joanne T. (Brisbane, AU)
Super quality & fit

So happy we got Ninja shark, perfect for Great barrier reef snorkel day.
Flippers, mask, dry wallet, carry bag (good quality bag), anti fog spray, happy days.

Ninja Shark Kids Mask

We recently brought the Ninja Shark Kids 3-11 Mask + Fins + Bag package for our 7 year old who absolutely loves it! Will be buying three more for the rest of the family. 😊

Even better than expected!

I saw the kids full face snorkel masks online, and thought they looked pretty cool. I ordered two for Christmas, for my 3 and 6 year olds. Wow, did they have a great time with them!

I wasn't sure how the 3 year old would go with it, but he was comfortable in it almost immediately, and spent hours swimming around and seeing a whole new world of underwater scenery.

They were easy to fit, zero issues with them staying on. No leaks or fog.

They can't wait to get back to the water!

Highly recommend this product :)

Electra - Full Face Snorkel Mask
Nick J. (Brisbane, AU)
mask swimming

The mask did exactly what was stated. I was very happy and will get another mask for my daughter.

Electra - Full Face Snorkel Mask
Raffaele S. (Perth, AU)
Great way to swim

I have NEVER been able to snorkel but love swimming. These full face snorkels are an absolute game changer in my life. Now I try to swim around 5 kms a week in the local pool. The Ninja mask makes it easy to do laps. I’ve been using the Ninja Shark for a quite few years and find the new Electra the best full face mask ever. No leaks, no fog and really easy to use and great quality. I’ve noticed my regular chats with other swimmers at the pool have encouraged many of them to purchase one of their own. I’ve given my older models to my grandkids and they love them too.


I got one for the 3 year old and one for the 5 year old, I thought maybe the 3 year old would get the hang of it eventually but they both loved it and mastered it pretty quickly. We’ve only used in the swimming pool, excited to go snorkeling in the ocean soon. Great product.

Lifetime Warranty
Sarah B. (Surfers Paradise, AU)
Love it!

Amazing product ! Have the electra package, kids love it. So easy to use. Highly recommend

(DRAFT) Diving Dry Snorkel Set with GoPro mount
Jen M. (Brisbane, AU)
Love it

Bought these for myself and my husband after getting the full face masks for the kids, and they were so good we’re getting them for the rest of the extended family for Xmas. The fact u can dive down and not get water down ur snorkel is a brilliant bonus! Makes our family holidays much easier and better without snorkel dramas!

This made our holiday

The product itself was amazing, but the service we received allowed us to get our 2 sets of masks for our cruise. We took them with us and used them multiple times for snorkelling on our cruise to Nouméa and New Caledonia. It was amazing snorkelling and being able to breathe easily, and the fins were the most comfortable I've ever used. I've got size 13 feet, and not only were they completely adjustable, but they were THE most comfortable fins ever invented. A massive shoutout to Colleen Zamora from your support staff who helped me out and made it possible to take our gear on holidays! Thanks Colleen!
The photo is us snorkelling off Amadee Island looking for turtles!

My kids love them

I’ve got three of these masks for my younger kids, however the oldest wants one too as the young ones rave about how good the are.

Summer Family Fun

Our Ninja masks have made snorkelling as a whole family very easy and enjoyable. The kids (and parents) find them super easy to use and have allowed us as a family of five to snorkel for longer than we ever could using traditional snorkel gear. I would highly recommend these masks.

Lifetime Warranty
Geri D. (Sydney, AU)
Lifetime warranty

Glad I have but haven’t needed to use .. yet

Great Mask

Love this mask. Kids find it so much easier snorkelling with the Ninja Shark. The snorkel mask is super clear and doesn’t fog up. The adjustable straps are great and easy to loosen and tighten. Very happy that we made the decision to get these for the kids.

A must for snorkelers!

Recently purchased the Equaliser Pro Mask, Finns and bag. 🤿 🐠🐡🐟🦈 Had an amazing time snorkeling off Fitzroy Island, the Pro mask allowed me to explore for over 7 hours. Higly recommend! Planning must next snorkeling trip! 🤿💦🌴☀️