Are Scuba and Snorkel Masks the Same?

by Mihai Pinzariu on September 24, 2019

Confused about the difference between scuba and snorkel masks? Maybe you have a snorkel mask and you’re wondering if you can use it to scuba dive, or you’re keen to start exploring the underwater but not sure where to start. Here at Ninja Shark we’ve had a lot of questions from people who are wondering if snorkel masks and scuba masks are the same things, so we wrote this article to help clarify the difference between the two.

Are scuba and snorkel masks the same?

It’s easy to confuse the two pieces of equipment when you’re a beginner, and we don’t blame you! They both look similar and you often see them floating around beautiful tropical beaches… but actually, snorkel and scuba masks are definitely not the same thing. While they might appear to be similar, “diving” a little c